As the first half term of the school year draws to a close, it is time for us to take a moment to think just how far the children have come in such a short amount of time. Children new to the school are already coming in through the gate with confidence and know the routines of school life. Hopefully, all of our new families now feel part of the Queen Anne school family too. Our long-standing pupils are now familiar with their new classrooms and have formed good relationships with their class teaching team. All of which is a great achievement for young children.
Our Harvest Service provided an opportunity for the whole school to show gratitude for what we have and to think of others who may not be so fortunate. For some children, it was their first Queen Anne Harvest Festival and for others their final opportunity to give Harvest thanks as a Queen Anne pupil. The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their Harvest thanks in church with everyone.
The generous donations to Windsor Foodshare will make a positive difference to other people’s lives.
Our Year 3 and 4 class participated in a Tag Rugby tournament. They played with enthusiasm and showed good team spirit. There were several children who were noted for their outstanding attitude to sport. Congratulations to Year 3 and Year 4!
Thanks to Sam Gesell, Debby Batchelor and QAPAFA, we’ve been able to make the most of the lovely weather and explore life in and around the school pond. Through a variety of activities, each class has developed their scientific observational and classification skills. Without the hard work and support of Sam, Debby and QAPAFA, this wonderful learning would not have been possible. We even have our own resident heron courtesy of Mrs McDougall. Thank you all!