April News
Need a slightly earlier drop off at school each morning?
Why not use our Meet and Greet option?
For just £2.00 per session, you can drop your child at school between
8.20 a.m. and 8.30 a.m. each day.
No need to book.
Drive into the car park or walk your child into school, Mrs Street or another member staff will be there to Meet and Greet your child and hand them over to the Drop & Stop team.
Today we launched our project to support the Toilet Twinning charity.
Our donations will be used to provide clean water, basic sanitation, and hygiene education. This vital combination works together to prevent the spread of disease. Every toilet twin celebrates a new toilet for a family living in a poorer country, and the average size of a household is six people, for every £60 donation represents help for one family, six people.
However, once a family has the knowledge about the link between sanitation and health, they will go on to tell other family members, or people in neighbouring villages, about the importance of building a toilet – so the multiplication effect of our donation will be far greater than help for a household. It will, over the years, represent transformation for many more people without a doubt.
Also, the impact over generations to come is immeasurable, as the sustainable programmes are aimed at behaviour change and cultural change that will last beyond our immediate lifetime as knowledge is passed down from generation to generation.
At The Queen Anne, each class will choose their own fund-raising activity to complete during the summer term. More information will be shared via Tapestry soon.

Emotion Coaching with the Emotional Wellbeing Champions
This term, our Year 4 Emotional Wellbeing Champions have been learning about Emotion Coaching, which links well to the learning about the Zones of Regulation that has been happening around the school.
As Wellbeing Champions, they have been finding out how best to support those who need help on the playground through these four steps:

Tune into the person’s feelings and your own.

Label and validate feelings.

Separate emotion from the behaviour.
Make a plan

Problem solve and find solutions together.