Archive 04/10/2023

September 2023

The Autumn term brings lots of new things: new classrooms, teachers, friends, uniform and new, shiny school schools.

Over the past few  weeks, the children have settled well into their new classrooms  and I am sure that they are already wearing out their new school shoes. I hope that all of our new families are beginning to feel part of The Queen Anne community too. There’s a wonderful feeling of learning across the school and we are all looking forward to a great year ahead.

We are fortunate to have support in our pond area this year from Sam Gesell and  & Debby Batchelor, who have already worked hard to transform the pond area. Our school grounds provide habitats for a wide variety of trees, plants and animals. The children will have an opportunity to explore  the pond area over the coming year. So far, newts, larvae and pond slaters ( not skaters) have been spotted in our pond.

Pond Slater