The Queen Anne Royal Free CE First School is a one form entry First School in Windsor, offering education to 4-9 year olds, which opened in 1988. We believe everyone is a learner and we would like to allow children to be given equal opportunities to achieve the best they can and enjoy learning. We know children learn in different ways and it is our role to provide a number of resources to allow children to learn.

Here at the Queen Anne we are proud of all the activities and facilities we provide for our children.  However due to public sector cuts it is becoming more of a challenge to ensure there is money for the extras that the children enjoy so much.  We are very lucky that parents and the community support us through the amazing work of our activity PTA, QAPAFA, but  we are turning to local businesses  to develop a working relationship to hopefully provide mutual benefit.

A lot of companies are required to allow Corporate Social Responsibility Days, which means a working party from the organisation gets paid to volunteer at a local good cause.  This support is always welcome as we have fairly extensive grounds. therefore always have projects ready for willing volunteers.

However there are other opportunities which are available to businesses.  We are looking at sponsorship and support in exchange for marketing opportunities.

This year, so far, we have been supported by Lawsons Estate Agents, Windsor who will sponsor our Summer and Christmas Fairs in 2024 and Salesforce, London. 

We thank everybody who has and continues to support our school.  You really do make a difference to the school.  If you would like to get involved, please call the school office. 01753 830885